Green Noise and Boucle Rugs are a thing!?!

By Xitlally Velasco

Welcome back to “What’s Trending?”, our weekly roundup of items that are the hottest topics of the week. Any guesses for this week’s items?

Let’s see…. What’s Trending?

1. Green Noise

You may be familiar with white noise, but green noise? Green noise refers to a variant of white noise with a frequency of approximately 500 Hz. It resembles sounds found in nature, such as rainfall or ocean waves.

Listen to green noise on YouTube.

The low frequency of green noise is known for creating a relaxing ambiance and helping you fall asleep.

2. Moss Agate Ring

The moss agate gemstone is admired for its mesmerizing appearance. The gem has a green-bluish pattern with a mossy look. No two moss agate gems are the same.

You can purchase a moss agate ring on Amazon at prices ranging from $26 to $600.

Some people are steering away from purchasing traditional engagement rings and turning to unique gemstones such as moissanite, obsidian, or labradorite.

3. Boucle Rug

Boucle rugs are a potential new piece for your office space. They are looped-textured rugs made from materials like wool, cotton, or synthetic fibers.

You can find various boucle rugs on Wayfair with a wide range of prices from $29-$1,650

Boucle rugs offer high protection for your floors and comfortability.

Which one surprised you the most? Let us know on our socials!

Source: Exploding Topics.


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