Communication Specialist Promise Lloyd Spills Her Top Five Essentials
MY FIVE: A series where we ask Omahans to share their five favorite things
Meet Promise Lloyd, this week’s “My Five” spotlight!
We’re back with another edition of “My Five,” and this week, we’d like to spotlight Promise Lloyd. She is a communication specialist and account executive for Girl Talk Marketing, an internship created through EPIC for Girls and Lozafina Marketing and Public Relations.
Keep reading to learn more about Promise!
1. Family.
I love how my family extends their love to people and considers them family as well. It’s one of my favorite things to build and create bonds with people who are so great that they become part of my family. It’s the feeling of being surrounded by love and people who love for you to be your true self.
2. My Dogs.
I consider my dogs family members. I love that both have their own personalities and show love in their own way. They are my safe place and where I go for comfort.
3. Music.
Music, to me, is like meditation. Depending on the song and genre dictate and regulate my mood for the day. My favorite songs are always how they connect to current or past moments in my life or just the beat and vibe they give.
4. My Phone.
My phone has always been there to capture the best memories from my life. It holds images and videos that I love dearly, and I can look at them whenever necessary. I love taking videos and pictures because I love that nostalgic feeling when I see old memories pop up on my phone.
When I can't get a digital copy of shared pictures, I take photos of the physical pictures to have my own copy.
5. People.
I love meeting new people. One of my highlights every year is recognizing how many new relationships I’ve built. I’ve never been the type to stay or hang out in one friend group; I’ve always been able to connect and relate to multiple.
Interested in being featured on our “My Five” series? Please nominate people or send us your tops in this Google form.