A Peek into Licensed Mental Health Therapist Keenan Krick’s Wholesome Life
Story by Xitlally Velasco
Dr. Keenan Krick, owner of Námasté Mental Health Therapy, LLC, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and a Master of Science in Community Counseling from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, as well as a Doctorate in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention from the University of Nebraska Medical Center's College of Public Health.
Dr. Krick identifies as a yogi, husband, father of three lively children and licensed mental health therapist. Personally & professionally, he believes that one: Attention is our most precious resource, two: Most of us use only a fraction of our full potential, three: Our perceived weaknesses are closely related to our greatest strengths, four: Through intentional daily practice, we can improve the quality of our experiences, and five: Over time we can heal from trauma, unlearn harmful habits, and create meaning from loss.
Keep reading to learn what five items are held closest to Dr. Krick!