Marketing Intern Katelyn Fryzek Shares Her Greatest Passions In Life
MY FIVE: A series where we ask Omahans to share their five favorite things
Meet Katelyn Fryzek, our My Five spotlight!
A recent graduate of Omaha Burke High School, Katelyn will be attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln this fall as a journalism major and member of the Honors College. Her passion for journalism, cultivated through years on her high school yearbook and newspaper staff, led her to interning with EPIC for Girls’ Girl Talk, a sports communication internship presented by Lozafina.
1. Beaded Bracelet.
When I was told to think of five things I could not live without, one of the first things that came to mind was a simple light pink beaded bracelet. This bracelet is a staple in my everyday jewelry no matter where I go. While it is very pretty and goes with almost every outfit, there is a deeper meaning behind this basic string of beads. Most people don’t know that two of my best friends share identical bracelets. Last year, in the middle of August, the three of us stumbled upon a cute shop in downtown Omaha. Without much thought behind it, we decided it would be fun to buy matching bracelets. This bracelet has developed into something much more significant as the months go by. It is an emblem of our friendship and the love we have for each other. Each time I look down, memories of our day downtown come flooding back, and a heartwarming sensation grows in my chest as I am reminded of how much I care for my friends.
2. My Journal.
Each week, I spend a portion of my time writing in a journal. However, it is not necessarily like a bullet journal or pre-planned prompts. Instead, I fill the lines with details about my life. As my pen glides across the paper and my trusty glue stick pastes down miscellaneous items from my day-to-day life, memories are collected between the journal's binding. The reason why I cannot live without this journal is that I consider myself to be a very sensitive and nostalgic person. Oftentimes, nostalgia comes to bite me in the back, consuming my every waking thought, swallowing me whole, and causing me to mourn over what is and what once was. Through journalling, I have found an outlet. Something that takes the edge off of my fear of forgetting. A way to keep my memories, the good and the bad, alive even if it will just forever remain in between the lines.
3. Apple Music.
For me, like most others, music is of great importance. This makes Apple Music another thing I cannot live without. It provides the soundtrack to my life. There is a song for every single emotion I feel and is my biggest motivator. Whenever there is music playing, my mood is boosted and confidence rises making me feel like I achieve anything I put my mind to. Often times, music makes me feel like I am truly alive. Additionally, it relieves my stress and as I process each lyric, I usually feel less alone knowing that what I am going through is a shared experience. The power of music is honestly astonishing. It has the power to bring people together. It has the power to heighten my senses bringing color to my life. It has the power to turn my dreams into reality.
4. My Converse.
Whenever I leave the house, my go-to shoes are always my black high-top Converse that I’ve had for about a year and a half now. They are my most comfortable pair of shoes, and they pair well with any outfit. Given this, my Converse have travelled to a lot of places making them something I cannot live without. From Boston to Colorado to Kansas City to Minneapolis, these shoes have been through a lot and seen a lot of things. They serve me every day and go through crucial moments with me. Each scuff or wear in my Converse only reminds me of the places I’ve gone, the things I’ve seen, and the moments I’ve lived. Throughout time, they’ve begun to serve as a memento. A homage to the steps I’ve taken to get where I am today – both the hard steps and the exciting ones.
5. Sunsets.
When I scroll through my camera roll, I can’t even begin to count the sheer amount of sunset photos I have. Whether it is the most magnificent display I have ever seen or a few lone streaks of color in the sky, my phone is at the ready snapping a photo. I have listed the sunset as something I cannot live without because it is often a highlight of my day. Each evening as the sun begins its descent and I gaze up, a sense of peace dwells inside of me. For this moment, all that matters are the splashes of color dancing across the sky. Honestly, it reminds me of how beautiful the world can be. It reminds me that beauty can be found in anything if you are brave enough to look for it. It is in both the smallest moments and the big ones. After all, what is the meaning of life without beauty.
Interested in being featured on our “My Five” series? Please nominate people or send us your tops in this Google form.