Directed by Black Italian screenwriter Daphne Di Cinto, “II Moro - The Moor” focuses on the untold story of Alessandro de’ Medici, the illegitimate son of an enslaved African woman and Pope Clement VII, who despite all odds rises to become the head of the Medici dynasty.
While unveiling a true story from the past, Il Moro - The Moor invites us to question the narratives we've been taught and encourages us to embrace a wider perspective, widening our understanding of the past and at the same time creating a more equitable future.
After a screening of the film, hear firsthand from Daphne about how she discovered this story, why it resonates with her, and why she believes it’s relevant today.
See the trailer here.
This event is presented by UNO Medieval Renaissance Studies with the generous support of Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska Arts Council and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment UNO