What’s in Your Media Relations Toolbox?
When it comes to media relations, a wide range of tactics can be used.
But what really is the difference between a news release and a news alert?
What’s the point of a press kit? And why are case studies important.
We’ll discuss all of that – and then some more.
The media relations portion of your marketing plan should have objectives, strategies, and target audience. So, let’s review what should be in your media relations toolbox to help you accomplish that plan.
News Releases
This is your most basic tool for relating information to the media. A news release tells a story that’s of interest to the audiences of the media outlets you’re targeting. A news release may be about a range of topics, including a new product or service, company or industry news, and personnel changes.
News Advisories or Alerts
News advisories normally are used to alert media about breaking news and to announce news conferences and other media events. They should not answer who, what, when, where, and why, detailed information that’s normally given in a news release. Instead, media are directed to an event and to contact person for more information.
Social Media Posts
A powerful way to showcase content, images, and video is through social media posts. A campaign can help build brand awareness, increase social engagement and drive traffic to your website.
Case Studies
Case studies are the success stories of your business or product. Because these stories are told about and by your customers, they are often effective as endorsements.
Press Kit
The press kit is your primary tool for providing in-depth information to the media.
As the name implies, advertorials are hybrids of paid advertising and editorial content. The appearance and copy of an advertorial should closely resemble editorial content of the publication in which it is placed.
Source: Hiebing Jr., R., and Cooper, S. (2004). The One-Day Marketing Plan. McGraw-Hill